Archive | September, 2013

Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal Announces Long Beach Mayorial Bid

6 Sep

Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal, before an audience of about 60 people, who were mostly friends, family, or supporters, in a press conference on Thursday, Sept. 6, announced she will be a candidate for the mayor of Long Beach in 2014.
Lowenthal said, in part, “I’m running for mayor because my heart is with this city….My vision for Long Beach is going to be jobs, jobs, jobs, making neighborhoods safer, making a commitment for every street and every pothole, no matter what part of town anyone lives in to have that attention…because we all know what a stress it is when we go home and it is uncomfortable and people fall and trip on the sidewalks…Again my vision is for public safety, safe neighborhoods, jobs, better schools, infrastructure, and together I know we can achieve that.”
David Arian, who is a Los Angeles Harbor Commissioner and a past International President of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, emceed. Arian said, “The reality is, you know, these two ports are the economic engine really here in Southern California and, I think, Bonnie knows that better than anyone. Every time we needed something in the Port of L.A. or the Port of Long Beach for the workforce, Bonnie has been there… So the mayor of Long Beach is going to be critical in moving forward.”

One speaker Arian introduced was Mary Stanton, Board Member of the Long Beach Unified School District. Stanton said, “She (Lowenthal) was also one of the first to speak up on an important issue, medical benefits for domestic partners… Finally it was approved for all employees in the Long Beach Unified School District.”

Another speaker was Peter Peyton, an International Executive Board Member for the ILWU, said, “There is no other politician I have known, none, that shows up when it is not just a photo op…But, the way she learns is by being there and speaking to the people when you don’t have to be there and this is a real special quality in Bonnie.”

Another speaker was Marsha Naify, who characterized herself has been a business owner for about 20 years, an activist in the LGBT community, and a past President of the Long Beach Lambda Democratic Club, said, “But the thing I like most about Bonnie is her values…Bonnie has been there for our community and for everyone else for as long as I’ve known her, because she really believes in people, she believes in human rights, and she believe in core ethical values. She has integrity and authenticity and you know with Bonnie you’re going to get the real deal.”